LenaLoo Has Moved...

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Friday, January 23, 2009

Looky What I Got!

Someday, maybe not anytime soon, in the future I will want sparkly jewelry more than nerdy electronics for birthday gifts... But I am just as thrilled with my shiny new Nintendo DS Lite as I would be with a pair of diamond earrings... I am such a geek...

Yesterday Toby and I went on a wild goosechase looking for a white DS, to no avail we stopped at Target, WalMart, GameStop, and ToysRUs... We called all the others in the area... While at ToysRUS, I found the cool purple and green cover that made me succumb to getting a black DS... We went back to Target for it though because I had a $40 gift card (shhh... don't tell my mother-in-law that I spent it on a Nintendo, she would flip)... Then we went back to GameStop because Target didn't have the game I wanted, Brain Age 2 :)... Plus, we got it used so it was about $5 cheaper and we got 10% off with an Edge card... I am a happy girl, but I will be more happy when my Brain Age is closer to my real age (said I was 58)!


0 wishes granted:

Button Button, Who's Got a Button?

What? I Got An Award???
