- I am an insomniac (kinda...) but I am trying to go to bed at a decent hour lately, cuz the FLYlady told me to (didn't work tonight, but now that this post is up I can)...
- I have 2 kooky kitties that I named after Kingdom Hearts Characters, Riku and Kyrie, or Boy Cat and Girl Cat as Toby insists on calling them....(Sorry for the lousy pics, I've been using my camera phone, cuz my real camera's broken, and yes, that is a pumpkin behind Kyrie... From Halloween... I need to throw it away and put up my Christmas Decorations this week, in a BAD WAY)
- My husband I were born on the same day of the month (the 19th) which is why I knew he was the one (if you want to know, I'll tell that little story in another post)
- I actually ENJOY clipping coupons, most of the time...
- I am a hardcore closet nerd (I have been known to play World of Warcraft from Sun-up to Sun-down and all the hours in between... But I am taking a break from it right now so I can actually have a life...)
- I am addicted to new technology: I have my lappy (a 14" HP Pavillion that I got as an anniversary present), an iPod touch that I use more as a mini computer than a music player (that I got as a birthday present last year, & I am DYING to get a Blackberry Storm right now, but I have had at least 6 different phones in 4 years (a crappy Nokia Candy Bar, a Green Moto PEBL, a White Blackberry Pearl, a cheap Chocolate Brown Samsung Flip that my Brother in law now uses,a Titanium Blackberry Curve, and a Maroon EnV2, which I am stuck with for now) so I think I should wait a bit (can you tell what my hubbys love language is? giving geeky gifts! and I eat it up!)...
- I am secretly addicted to MommyBlogs because I want to have children, REAL BAD... But so far, no dice - we have been trying for about a year now, so the doctors are almost willing to start testing...
- Dani @ Wine Laced Tales of a Teetotaler
- Faith @ Blessed Quietness
- Kito @ Hysteria and American Ambivalence
- Shannon @ EightCrazy
- Jennifer P @ Peterson's Go Public
- Ann @ AnnOnandOn
- Lorna @ CoconutNoodleMonkey
5 wishes granted:
Your kitties are cute!
Hey Alena, thanks for the tag. It was fun reading yours! I might just be lazy and put a link to one of mine when a similar one went around if that's ok ... http://blessedquietness.blogspot.com/2008/05/oh-dear-mother-hen-from-ship-full-o.html
Thanks for the award and the tag. I'll have to get back on later to deal with them. Right now my hubby is waiting for me to go to the bank.
I am wanting a new phone too. I have to wait til this May I think (hope). I have had my daughter's laptop at home and been enjoying it. She's wanting it back now and I like my desktop but like the portability of that darn laptop. I've been looking but hubby saids no. What's a girl to do?
I love coupons! But I think they work in reverse effect with me. I will buy something with a coupon and then grt excited about something I totally don't need, that isn't on sale and isn't the generic brand. So didn't I just defeat the purpose of clipping coupons?
And I have the Motorala Z, but I want. want. want the Blackberry Storm so bad! I am obsessed with electronics!
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