I got too ADD to complete this lol but I did get quite a few things accomplished so I thought I'd make the sidebar a post and transfer these posts to my main blog before I delete this part of my blog.
- Get a deep freezer
- Clean off back porch 1 box at a time
- Install cat door, screen in porch, relocate cat box to porch
- Follow FLYlady missions
- Finish FLYlady Control Journal and follow it
- Buy at least 3 clothing items in seasonal clearance sale and save for next season
- Put extra shelves in spare room for pantry storage
- Get Toby a compact writing desk (one that folds up?)
- Buy clearance Christmas decorations for next yearn
- Do a 27 fling boogie once a week
- Stick to my budget on every shopping trip
- Move any money to be saved into savings account so it doesn't get spent
- Get 8 hours of sleep a night (get to bed by 1 am at the latest)
- Update agenda every night before bed
- Follow agenda every day and update on blog
- Get pregnant or look into adoption
- Move into a house
- Mistreat my windows
- Nest wherever I am
- Find a new job that works with my personality and schedule (flexible)
- Work on using my timer and sticking to it
- Find other ways to earn money than a conventional job
- Work on being content
- Keep inventory of food in freezer and on shelves
- Continue doing GG and clip and file Q's every Sunday
- Only buy what we are going to use
- Keep track of what we do use so next cycle can be adjusted accordingly
- Never buy full price if you can help it!
- Try 1 new recipe a month
- Get artisan breads in 5 mins a day book
- Try all of the different recipes in it
- Bake and decorate one batch of cupcakes every month in a different way each time
- Try OMAC for a full month
- Try one new slow cooker recipe a week
- Create a cooking blog, list actual recipes, not just "a little of this, a little of that"
- Get my camera fixed
- Take at least 5 photos a week
- Scrapbook photos digitally
- Make my wedding album
- Make an album for each year Toby and I have been together
- Start my Etsy shop
- Create a workspace for my crafts
- Make one new item a week to sell on Etsy
- Make 4 cards a week
- Take making own findings class @ U Bead It
- Make something new with hand made findings every day after taking class
- Be able to digitally scrap a layout and make it a blogger layout
- Remind Toby about NaNoBloPo and try my hand at it too
- Set up a portfolio
- Tell my husband I love him in a new way every day
- Go OUT on a date once a week
- Blog once a day
- Comment on 2 NEW blogs a day
- Twitter at least 1 time a day with FLYlady updates
- Send one card a week
- Call each family member once a week to see how they are doing
- Set up Skype
- Call Monica and Simon via Skype once a week
- Start saving money to go to Europe for Simon and Monicas wedding
- Set up a "findings" package exchange with family members (different person each month)
- Get to know my brother's significant others
- Go to Disneyland with my whole family
- Make a phenomenal blog site that links up all my blogs
- Buy a domain name
- Make a new award every month and give them to my fav bloggers
- Give out a green fairy award every week
- Keep 101 in 1001 blog updated
- Make every moment count, no wasted days!
- Workout at least 2 times a week for at least 1 hour
- Swim at least 1 time per week
- Lose 30 pounds: Track exercise and weight loss in Spark People
- Learn to track ovulation
- Get back on ADD meds
- Find a therapist who specializes in ADD and is covered by my insurance
- Find a new doctor
- Get allergy panel
- Get a physical
- Get ADD under control to return to work by Feb
- Pick up diagnosis from Dr. R
- Once on meds, journal about changes
- Once meds start stop drinking caffeine
- Take meds daily along with other meds and vitamin
- Work on following a healthy eating plan daily
- Keep a food diary using Spark People
- Drink 8 glasses of water a day
- Pray everyday
- Keep up with Rob's Bible Study
- Start HomeBuilders group
- Read one spiritual book a month
- Dig into the Bible everyday (at least 2 passages)
- Complete FamilyLife app and turn in by Jan 1
- Pray with Toby about FamilyLife daily
- Read at least 1 article in the newspaper every week
- Get Photoshop and learn to use it
- Try playing raquetball
- Read one novel per month that I have never read before
- Read one news or informative article every day
- Learn enough HTML to make my blog fantastic
- Find out what I need for AA
- Find out what I need to transfer
- Go back to school and take 1 class at a time

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