LenaLoo Has Moved...
Also come check out my posts at Goore's Insider.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!
I honestly can't wait until I have a daughter of my own... I know they can be much harder than boys in the attitude department but, like MckMama says, they make up for it in the fun department... I have been prepping for my friend Grace's baby shower (which is on the 31st)... I made her a diaper cake (my first one)
and have been going baby crazy looking for all the perfect stuff for it... In my internet excursions I have found many of my own must haves for when I finally get pregnant... I want one of those beautiful baby slings, a hooter hider, cute little crib shoes, and I can't wait to get my little girl her very own American Girl doll... I am so baby crazy right now (especially after spending the weekend with Bailey and Conner)...
Mused by LenaLoo at 4:46 PM 4 wishes granted
Looky What I Got!
Someday, maybe not anytime soon, in the future I will want sparkly jewelry more than nerdy electronics for birthday gifts... But I am just as thrilled with my shiny new Nintendo DS Lite as I would be with a pair of diamond earrings... I am such a geek...

Mused by LenaLoo at 1:26 PM 0 wishes granted
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Another Twilight Ramble...
I finally got Toby interested in my favorite book series of the moment by telling him how Stephanie Meyer writes the same time line from different perspectives (a technique that my dear husband wants to use in the novel he is writing)... We began reading it aloud together... We read about half of Twilight aloud and then I realized it was making us stay awake rather than making us sleepy (because the light was on and someone had to be awake to do the reading) and keeping us up past the 1am bedtime I had made for myself... Then I got the bright idea to buy the audio books! We listened to the rest of Twilight and now we are on to New Moon...
After we finished (well almost finished, we fell asleep right before the end) Twilight, we decided to go see it at a theater before it was gone... Even so it was in limited theaters... We ended up at the Drive In last Friday... We called Karen and Pete to see if they wanted to join us... We were going to try to switch up the double feature (the one showing with Twilight was a cheesy B horror flick that no one wanted to see), so Karen and Pete took their car to the Marley and Me/Bride Wars lot and we watched Twilight while Marley and me was on, then moved over to Karen and Petes car for Bride Wars :)... It was a lot of fun... Toby did not like the movie Twilight... He had gotten so wrapped up in how the characters should be in his head that this disappointed him... Also he hated that it was such a disjointed telling of the story... I still liked it, but of course I think the book is much much better... Though we both agreed that Edward did an amazing job with what he had (Toby also really like his hair!)...
One more thing... In listening to New Moon today to try to catch up to where Toby read to while I was in LA, I realized something that I had overlooked the first time I read the book... In the end of Chapter 6, Bella asks Angela what the date is, and realizes that it is the one year anniversary of her first day at Forks High, January 19th, which is also my birthday! How coincidental is that? In the words of a high school friend Stevie, "I like it!"
Monday, January 19, 2009
Feelin' Old...
I have been 25 for 45 minutes now and let me tell you, I am feeling kind of dated... I was watching Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion before heading for bed and I was remembering when I thought their outfits were the coolest fashion statements ever... I also remember listening to New Kids on the block and wallpapering my room with Handon posters...
I hung out with Amy all day (my brother's girlfriend) and I showed her my wedding pictures... I can't believe how young we looked and it was only a year and a half ago! I also can't believe that we were Drew and Amy's ages (respectivly) when we got engaged!
I am hoping this year brings us some good news... Spending time with Amy's kids just makes me long for some of my own! We are working on it, so send your baby making mojo our way, k? I feel like this is going to be our year :)
Ever feel like music sends you signs? Just as I type that last paragraph, Capri by Colbie Callet played on my iPod... Earlier when Amy and I were talking about how much we miss our guys even when they are only away for a couple of days (Drew is at camp and Toby is at home) the song Toby and I danced to at our wedding and I remembered that even though he is far away, he loves me and he is thinking about me... I give props to you military wives out there, you are way stronger than I am...
I am looking forward to tomorrow (today actually), and wishing my hubby could be here with me... But it will be good fun, a lot of our family and friends are meeting us at Disneyland and I know it will be really fun (someday soon I will write about the most magical trip to Disneyland I have had to date)...
Thanks for all your love and support over this past year bloggy friends, it means more to me than you know! (My comment box should be working now, if not won't you leave one on my homepage? Thanks!)
Friday, January 16, 2009
Today is deemed a Grumpy Friday... I tried really hard not to be since I leave tomorrow for LA and my free Disney birthday, but my hubby did not make it easy... He played video games all day while I was out helping my friend update her baby shower registry... So now I have to wait for the laundry to be done before I can pack... He also ate ALL the bacon that I was going to use in a recipe for dinner tonight and now I don't know how to make it without it... It was just a side dish, but still... It made me lose my cool and I started crying... What is wrong with me??? I just want today to be over and tomorrow to start... I think I am extra angsty because I know that I will be celebrating my birthday without Toby AGAIN (last year he was sick in bed the whole day)! Maybe getting this off my chest will help me get over it...
Mused by LenaLoo at 7:52 PM 2 wishes granted
I am flying to LA for my birthday this weekend, praying the flight is on time and all goes well... I hate flying... Disneyland here I come (for free too!)
Mused by LenaLoo at 7:44 PM 0 wishes granted
Labels: Prayer
Two of my friends are having small surgeries the first week in February, praying that all goes well for both of them!
Mused by LenaLoo at 7:43 PM 1 wishes granted
Labels: Prayer
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
One Track Mind
Does anyone else seem to have that problem? When I get on a kick, it is all I can think about or do... Everything else seems to fall by the way side... Right now, my kick is working out and keeping track of the foods I have eaten... Now, I understand that this is a good kick to be on, but shouldn't everything be in moderation? I can't seem to think about anything else! I think I need some help people!
Mused by LenaLoo at 1:51 AM 0 wishes granted
Sunday, January 11, 2009
A New Look!
Hey bloggy buddies... I have changed up my format a bit - LenaLoo.com is now the feed site for my 4 other blogs: InnerGreenFairy, FLYgirl in Training, 101 in 1001, and my Prayer Journal... Feel free to subscribe to the feeds through feedburner or click on the above buttons and you can add the individual blogs to the reader or blog roll of your choice! :) Thanks for sticking with me!
Mused by LenaLoo at 10:14 PM 4 wishes granted
Labels: Blogs
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Wait! Where'd everything go???
I am in the process of making this my feeder blogsite to run feeds from all of my blogs, I have moved all the archives from InnerGreenFairy here and there they will stay... Check back soon for the new and improved LenaLoo.com :)
Mused by LenaLoo at 2:11 PM 0 wishes granted
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Why I Haven't Been Blogging Much...
Monday, January 5, 2009
Goals for 2009 and beyond
I have not forgotten you fellow bloggers, I have just been busy trying to get my house and life in order to get 2009 off to a good start... Check out my 101 blog to see the goals I have set to work on this year and the year and a half following...
Mused by LenaLoo at 11:36 PM 1 wishes granted
Saturday, January 3, 2009
#19 Nest Wherever I Am
Inspired by Nester, FLYlady and many of you other great home organization/decoration bloggers out there, I finally started to make the most of the apartment I live in right now... We have lived here for 1.5 years and have not tried to really make our home our own until now...
Yesterday, we went to IKEA
Today, Toby and two of "the boys" put together this fabulous new crafting desk
Toby will use it to write/draw, and I will use it for all my crafts, but we agreed not to let it be cluttered (it tilts up like a drafting desk, so that may help)...
In the time those three boys put together one desk, I put together this coat rack,
this shelving unit (the gray one next to my freezer, the boys put up the white shelves after they finished the desk)
this bookshelf (to the right of my table)

4 dvd racks, and most of a filing cabinet (I did distract them quite often though, asking them questions and asking for help holding something together)... Plus I rearranged at least 4 pieces of furniture (and took everything off of that Black wire unit, which I have to organize tomorrow...
I am finally getting a place for everything so I can put everything in its place! I am excited!

Mused by LenaLoo at 10:47 PM 1 wishes granted
Labels: 101 in 1001, 67, 7, 8
Friday, January 2, 2009
#50 Tell my husband I love him in a new way every day
12/31/09 - Candles and our playlist playing when he came to bed
01/01/09 - Washed hubby's feet!
01/02/09 - Played on a "Moods" team with him (and let him lead the team - I never do that!)
01/03/09 - I actually took his advice without argument :)
02/10/09 - Woke up early to make him lunch, cleaned the whole house, and had a lovely dinner waiting for him when he got home from his first day at a new pharmacy
Mused by LenaLoo at 12:22 AM 4 wishes granted
Labels: 101 in 1001, 50
#53 Comment on 2 new blogs
01/01/09 Blog Stalkers Unite & think defiant
Mused by LenaLoo at 12:20 AM 0 wishes granted
Labels: 101 in 1001, 53
Thursday, January 1, 2009
More FamilyLife...
So we have been attempting to work on our application for FamilyLife today, and it just isn't happening right now... There are questions asked that I think I would need a year of therapy before I could answer... We are praying about how to approach this with our contact, Cliff... We are going to call him tomorrow when he is back in the office to talk to him... I don't know what will happen, but we will see... We would still like to be a part of it, but I don't feel like we are ready right at this momant...
Mused by LenaLoo at 3:32 PM 1 wishes granted
Labels: FamilyLife, Prayer
#71 Weight Loss: Think Thin Thursdays
Today's question is "What is you New Year's resolution?"
Mine is to keep working on these 101 goals I have to complete in 1001 days, which include losing about 30lbs. (I really don't know where they came from!) I will report on Think Thin Thursdays every Thursday this year here in this blog!

Mused by LenaLoo at 2:03 PM 1 wishes granted
Labels: 101 in 1001, 71
Pray for Stellan!

MckMama's little one, Stellan, is sick, but he is on the mend, praying for a his continuing health and for her sanity! Also that medical bills can be paid (you can help out buy purchasing a Stellan Will Live bracelet from her site, click the button above, I'm ordering one today!)...

Mused by LenaLoo at 1:58 PM 0 wishes granted
Labels: Blog Friends, Prayer