I told myself I would keep on blogging after Motherhood struck me, but yeah, that's pretty naive of me... In recent news, our church got in at the Urban Hive!!! This is really exciting news, I get to co-work with Nanny Goats In Panties and Midlife Bloggers... I. am. so. psyched! I am adjusting back to being an active part of our community with Cohen in tow... It is great to hang out with my new pals, still working on balancing new friends and old friends, I keep singing the old girl scout song "Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other's gold" to Cohen, but I think I am really singing it to myself... I miss Gracie and Karen and Xica and Ashley... I have also been going through a bout of homesickness after a month in LA... I know we can afford to live down there, but I really miss my Mom and Dad, Brothers, Sis-in-law, and my sweet Niece and Nephew... I want Cohen to grow up with them... I know God has a plan for us, and I hope it includes us all living near each other, but I wish it was now... In other news, I have eaten some great food this week: Amazing BLT's a la Spanglish (so good I am going to have them again tonight for dinner with our proximity group) and Goat cheese, pistachio, and orange salad with Blush wine vinaigrette fashioned after a salad I really like at Matteo's... Well that's all I have time for, Cohen is stirring!