I am heading to LA again for the second time this month! It seems like I just got home! I got the opportunity to ride down with my friend Ashley and her sister Dani for our friend's engagement party this Saturday and I am going to stay the week to help my brother with the kids so he can go to some GED study sessions (pray for him guys, he really needs to get this off his shoulders), and then my dear Mama is turning the big Five-Oh this month as well (sorry Mom, had to sell you down the river here) and we are having a Hawaiian themed picnic to celebrate on Sunday, May 3rd. Since it is a little difficult to orchestrate all the details of a party from 800 miles away, I am lucky to be able to go a week early. My hubby is going to come down for a Dodger game (hopefully he can get that Saturday off), the party, and to collect me and bring me back home... My mom wants ALL her kids there, and I didn't book a flight home, so at this point, the boy's got no choice but to come get me :) - sneaky sneaky, I know... So if you don't hear from me, it's because my poor lappy is still humpty dumpty status because Toby can't figure out what he did wrong and my parents computer is slower than molasses... I'd be better off blogging from my iPod touch... Have a good week people!
LenaLoo Has Moved...
Also come check out my posts at Goore's Insider.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I'm Off Again!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Yup... I Got Sucked Back In...
Some of you are going to laugh at me here... I can't help but love this game... I am a hardcore nerd, and all these hours laying in bed trying to get over this flu bug have been driving me batty!
I have officially caught up on Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, American Idol, 90210, Gossip Girl, and Heroes... I even stooped down to the ABC family level and have been watching The Confessions of an American Teenage because I guess I just love sub par acting and seeing Molly Ringwold as a mom to two teenage daughters...
I should import the posts from my pre-married blog... That has some hilarious (or pathetic, however you want to look at it) WoW blog fodder in it... I think I will... Links will be edited into this post shortly (if anyone cares) beware, some of them are pretty angsty lol...
I still can't get Toby back on the WoW train, he enjoys having a life... But it was close, he even went out and bought the expansion and then returned it yesterday... It won't be long, he's jonesing bad...

Mused by LenaLoo at 1:57 PM 1 wishes granted
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I have been a bit of a slacker in the blog department lately... I just realized that I have only blogged 11 times in the last 2 months (almost, at least since my 100th post). Granted, these last two months have been filled with some exciting things (Bella's arrival, Meeting New Friends A MidTown Friends -Update on that tomorrow, hopefully with pics from tonight's Suite 16 party, My first giveaway, SITS Spring Fling, The Woman's Retreat, Starting My Own Business, A Visit with my Family in LA, and the Most Exciting News of All - Finding out We are Having a Baby!!!) I have had this whirlwind of thoughts and emotions (and hormones, lol) that I have not been able to get down on paper (or blog for that matter - my lappy is still in shambles) but I am going to try to be better about it from now on... I promise! Be expecting some fun photos tomorrow!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Thanks For Being Patient With Me!
My poor laptop (or Lappy as I fondly call it) had open heart surgery last night and like Humpty Dumpty still hasn't been put back together again completely (I tell you, it was like watching my baby being opereated on!) But hopefully it will be up and running later today when Hubby decieds to tackle it again...
So I know you lovely people have been waiting on the edge of your seats for me to announce my big news... Some of you may have guessed already that...

We have been waiting a bit for this and we are really excited! We wanted to wait until after our first appointment with the OB just to be sure, which is a bonus because it means I have a pic for you!

Please bear with me as my focus in this blog transitions to motherhood (because it's like an extension of my mind, ya know?)
Love you all!

Mused by LenaLoo at 1:02 PM 5 wishes granted
Labels: Babies, Future, Marriage, Motherhood, Rave