Some of you are going to laugh at me here... I can't help but love this game... I am a hardcore nerd, and all these hours laying in bed trying to get over this flu bug have been driving me batty!
I have officially caught up on Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, American Idol, 90210, Gossip Girl, and Heroes... I even stooped down to the ABC family level and have been watching The Confessions of an American Teenage because I guess I just love sub par acting and seeing Molly Ringwold as a mom to two teenage daughters...
I should import the posts from my pre-married blog... That has some hilarious (or pathetic, however you want to look at it) WoW blog fodder in it... I think I will... Links will be edited into this post shortly (if anyone cares) beware, some of them are pretty angsty lol...
I still can't get Toby back on the WoW train, he enjoys having a life... But it was close, he even went out and bought the expansion and then returned it yesterday... It won't be long, he's jonesing bad...

1 wishes granted: are a corruptor....
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