So every time I have something amazingly awesome to blog about, I seem to forget that I keep a digi cam in my behemoth big mama purse to snap some shots of said awesome blog fodder... So my words will have to do for now :)
Last night, my friends and I had a Break-fast party... We had been fasting from specific things for the entire month of September to focus on our launch service (which you can check out here). Toby fasted from video games, Becky fasted from watching anything involving sarcastic humor (ie: Jon Stewart, Arrested Development, The Office), and I gave up refined sugar (because I had slightly elevated glucose levels and decided to give up something a little more than soda or candy)... I didn't think mine would be as hard as it was, because I am not really a sugar hound, but I didn't think of all the small things like Soy Chai's, Carmel Apple Cider's, and fro-yo... It was much harder than I imagined... Because I couldn't have them, pastries started invading my dreams... Donuts, Fritters, Funnel Cake... It was sick...
But anyway, last night we indulged in the things we fasted from together... And ate Breakfast for Dinner (or Brinner, as Frank likes to call it), consisting of Pancakes, Applewood Smoked Bacon, and Scrambled Eggs... Being the almost 8 month pregnant woman that I am, I also served up a nice 7 layer bean dip because I was craving it... Vicki also made Veggie soup as an appetizer and a bowl of Candy Corn was passed around too :)... It was quite a random meal lol... When we were done stuffing our faces, we busted out our dusty Rockband set and played some Beatles Rockband for a good couple of hours :)... Vicki and Frank kept debating what grades they were in when certain albums came out and we all had a blast singing and rocking out together :)...
Tonight I got the opportunity to join the fantastic Margret of Nanny Goats in Panties, her niece, who is a fellow WoW player and Horde girl :), and Jane of MidLife Bloggers in screening Clive Owen's latest film, "The Boys Are Back" at Downtown Plaza (or DTP as we like to refer to it as)...
It was awesome... They warned us it would be a tear jerker, but it didn't feel like your average tragic family drama... We all three agreed that we felt like we were simply observing life, not watching a movie... The chemistry between the 3 actors was phenomenal, and I haven't seen child acting that good since Dakota Fanning's outstanding performance in "I Am Sam"... There were also some great one liners, delivered so smoothly that you almost missed them... I encourage you all to go see it, even if it is just in limited release... Oh and remind me never to leave Toby alone with our son for any good length of time lol...

4 wishes granted:
Breakfast for dinner is the favorite meal for the kids I nanny for. They start jumping up and down!
Sorry to hear about your day. Stopping by from SITS
hi there... thanks for visiting my blog
I can't believe you fasted from some things for a whole month... I hope it wasn't anything you really really liked
anyway.... PSE is still great... there are sooo many things you can do with it... I use it for everything.. some day I'll upgrade to CS, but I'm perfectly happy for now :)
Visiting from SITs! Fake labor is no fun! But, I found that every time you go to L&D for ANYthing, they Have to do an U/S, which is awesome!!! Good luck! Happy laboring!
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