I figured I am allowed a lazy post... Pasting in some of my Status updates from this crazy week... Tuesday there was a big storm and my phone went dead (I panic when that happens and started having contractions, but they settled after my friend Katie got to my house and helped me pack a bag just in case)... Wednesday I went to Safeway with Vicki for like 10 minutes and started having contractions, when I called Labor and Delivery they told me I had to come in because I had more then 4 in an hour preterm... We took our time and ate something just in case I got stuck there and by the time we got there I was very calm and the contractions had pretty much stopped... Note to self, stop getting overly excited!!! Thursday was uneventful, just laid low and then took a short trip to the store to get some baby hangers in the evening with Ashley and Dani after we made Roast chicken and vegetables, Mashed potatoes, and Gravy for dinner... Thankful for my friends and my family for helping me stay calm :)
Tuesday 4:38pm LenaLoo is in early labor... 1 cm dialated and been having contractions since Saturday afternoon (thought they were just Braxton Hicks)... This child is as impatient as his mama lol, he could come anytime between now and his due date though... I am voting for Sunday night after the baby shower or later...
Tuesday 4:50pm Trying to (just rest, take it easy and let him "cook" a little longer)... the doctor didn't seem worried at all... i am 34 weeks 4 days and she said if i progress to active labor, they are not going to try to stop it, so I am fighting a serious urge to make a tree out of paper bags for the baby room and trying to stay in bed for the most part ( i have a wicked cold too)
Tuesday 4:59pm Due date is November 20th, but I have long suspected they were incorrect... My estimation was Nov 12th...
Tuesday 5:49pm I have been having real contractions off and on since saturday... so that seems to be what he is up to lol... hopefully he will wait until sunday night so i can attend my baby shower, otherwise ya'll may have to bring the shower to me :)
Tuesday 5:57pm I am in bed right now... staying here as much as possible...
Tuesday 11:55pm LenaLoo is going to bed... if the contractions get stronger and closer together, we've got our bags (mostly) packed...
Wednesday 10:20am LenaLoo thinks labor may last a while... Thanks a lot Mom lol... Hopefully Cohen will stay put... Still having contractions but they are not strong enough or long enough to go in to Labor and Delivery... Sadly though, I think I have to give up my dream of seeing RENT onstage yet again... This time I even had tickets purchased!
Wednesday 10:26am RENT is tomorrow... and I don't think I should go cuz of this nasty cold, not cuz of the contractions...
(had to talk certain family members - Mom and Tony - out of hopping a flight from LA or jumping in a car and saying "I'll drive you up now! I'll have you there in 6 hours!" after the trip to Labor and Delivery)
Wednesday 10:49pm You (Mom) said you were dilated with Drew for like 20+ days... :-P I have to blame someone for this lol... I kid I kid I yoke I yoke...
Wednesday 10:50 Lol Tony would say that, and no guys, it's not "time" yet... I will update my status right now...
Wednesday 10:55 LenaLoo is pretty sure that Cohen's karate kicks and chops have been some of my "contractions," they even confused the nurse! Pretty sure I have at least had some contractions but I was definitely not having them when I was hooked up to the monitor... Gotta lay low for a bit though, we don't want him to come preterm (he will be "full term" in 9 days though)...
Wednesday 11:44pm I kept telling him that he is gonna have to learn some patience from his dad, cuz I have none lol... Hopefully he will stay put for at least 9 days... I don't see why he wouldn't if I lay low like I need to... I gave up going to see RENT tomorrow :( I am super bummed, but it will be worth it if I can stave off Active labor till at least Sunday night :)
Wednesday 11:56pm Not nervous, just cautious... Laying low does not equal traipsing around San Fran all day and being woo'd by Anthony Rapp and Adam Pasqual's amazing voices unfortunately... I started having "pains" (since they were not proven to be contractions) after walking around Safeway for 10 minutes with Vicki... I just don't think anything is worth speeding up this labor when Cohen is not even full term yet, no, not even RENT :(
Friday 10:38 am LenaLoo has not had contractions for two days now! Praise God! Hopefully this impatiant little boy listened to his Aunties, Uncles, and Grandmas and is going to stay put till he has at least reached term (another week to go!)
LenaLoo Has Moved...
... to a new home at http://lenaloos.com/... I will be posting there from now on! Please come by and follow me on GFC!
Also come check out my posts at Goore's Insider.
Also come check out my posts at Goore's Insider.
Friday, October 16, 2009
This Week on Facebook...
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2 wishes granted:
Oh my gosh, not long now! The best of luck, I'm excited for you! x
How exciting, hope everything goes well for you!
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