It's here! I've reached it! My 100th Post! I never thought I could be focused enough to keep on blogging through an entire year! My Blogiversary was February 2nd, but since I ADD'd my way right past it I am doing a 100th Post Celebration and Giveaway!
If you like it and want to win it you can enter in 3 ways (yup, you get one entry for each)
- Become a follower! Follow my blog publicly and 1 entry is yours!
- Leave a comment! I love comments, they make me happy!
- Link to this post in your blog somehow and let me know!

In High School I didn't really have a persona that I stuck with (aside for being a spaz)... I kind of went with the flow and hung out with whoever could handle me for more than 5 minutes at a time... When I was a Senior way back in 2002, it all kind of clicked one NyQuil hazed evening while watching Moulin Rouge... There was a scene, a very strange enchanted scene...
(Sorry bout the poor quality it was the only clip I could find)
When I saw this... I jumped off the couch (tossing snotty tissues all over the living room) and yelled "I am the Green Fairy!" and that was the end of it... I have had this little (inner) Green Fairy ever since... I know it's strange, but it's me...
If I haven't scared you off yet (if you are reading this, you probably are not faint of heart) enter to win my Fairy Necklace and earrings set in the next 20 days... I will pick a winner on St. Patty's Day, March 17th, my fave holiday, gee, I wonder why???