VS Just a quick blurb tonight since I am trying to be a good
FLY girl (I don't count my self as a lady yet, but maybe I should, I'm gettin' darn close to 25 don'cha know...) and get to bed before 1am (as in not on the computer, laying down with the lights off in bed... But I shined my sink tonight after work and dinner and then went off to pamper myself a bit (a nice hot bubble bath)... I switched razors recently (from the over priced, but luxurious, Venus Divine, to a still snazzy, but much more affordable, Bic Soliel) and this is the first time I have used it to shave my legs (I'll admit, that has gone by the wayside a bit since I started work, a girl can only do so much, and I'm not even a mom yet!)... Let me tell you, it may look similar in quality, but IT IS NOT the same quality! I am Mexican and Japanese and I get ingrowns, BAD... I have not suffered such nicks since I first started shaving with a Dasiy razor! The Soliel can stay, but only for everyday armpit shaving... I will use my Venus for everything else (and have Toby's Nana buy me cartridges at the commissary since I never seem to get coupons for the things)!
4 wishes granted:
I've been thinking about switching razors... actually I've been thinking about shaving at all. I use man razors, but the girl ones have all this cool aloe stuff on them, and I have very sensitive skin... I'm not saying that I'm going out to buy a venus... I'm just thinking that Gillette should step up it's man razor game...
I hear ya! I refuse to use disposable razors after what it has done to my legs. I'll stick with my Venus thankyouverymuch! =)
{peeking in from SITS}
I hate shaving... but it's the nessissary evil of being a women...
I love your button! That's going on my blog!
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