I didn't follow an agenda over the weekend because my parents were in town, you can read about some of our misadventures this weekend here... But now that they're safely home in LA, it is time to get back to FLYing... This is what I have on the agenda for today:
Get up, showered and dressed to shoes (though I sat around in my robe after showering for a good half hour)
Eat breakfast (half a bagel and cream cheese at 1pm, does that count?)
- Work on zone 4
- Empty dishwasher
- Get something going for dinner
- Eat lunch (something other than Chex Mix!)
- Drink my water
- E-mail Cliff with Sue and Barbara's numbers, emails for Jim and Deanna
- Work on app for Family life
- Call Dani
- Take back anything not used in garland to Michael's and Joanne's,
- Get one gift box or bag for Nana's gift
- Return game to Target
- Return stuff to Costco
- Encourage toby to call references and work on app (have him email contact names and addys to Cliff)
- Do dishes and shine sink
- Wash face and brush teeth
- Take meds
- Look at calendar
- Choose clothes for tomorrow
- Get to bed before 1am!
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