Get up, showered, and dressed to shoes
- Eat breakfast
Write and address Christmas cards and wrap package
- Do 27 fling boogie (sparebedroom)
- Work on back bathroom sink (zone 3)
- Do 5 minute room rescue (living room)
- Put away groceries on table
- Eat lunch
- Change and go to work leave 45 mins early
- Go to post office on the way to work
Come home from work and change
- Call Dani
- Finish wrapping gifts and put them under tree
- Make a gift for Mom, Ash or Xica
- Lay out Christmas table runner
- Finish hot chocolate gifts with recipe card and fabric tied with ribbon
- Work on garland
- Take back anything not used in garland to Michael's and Joanne's, get small tree skirt, get one gift box or bag for Nana's gift
- Do dishes and shine sink
- Wash face and brush teeth
- Take meds
- Look at calendar
- Choose clothes for tomorrow (they're in the washer cuz I forgot to reboot before the laundry room doors got locked)
- Get to bed before 1am! (Um, I kinda never went to bed...)
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